<![CDATA[A new car-pooling application will be launched in September for the employees of the Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle and Orly airport platforms
Hub One proposes a way for its employees to reduce their carbon footprint, while encouraging intermodal transport

Backed by a dynamic CSR policy, Hub One, provider of information and communication technology services in professional environments, joined the R’Pro’Mobilité association in May 2016. This association, which today brings together nine companies employing more than 40,000 employees, is looking to improve travel to and from the Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle airport platform by means of various initiatives. Hence, starting in September, R’Pro’Mobilité will be launching a new application and car-pooling service website that Hub One will propose to its employees. This new action is part of the corporate social responsibility approach of Hub One.
For several years, Hub One has been active in various ways for reducing its environmental impact: the use of electric vehicles and car sharing for service vehicles; promoting modes of alternative travel such as the bicycle; total reimbursement of the Navigo travel pass; the sorting of waste; paper recycling; smart lighting and ventilation; etc.
With so many of its employees commuting from far and wide (Val-d’Oise, Oise, Seine-et-Marne and Paris regions), Hub One’s membership of the R’Pro’Mobilité association enables it to make available information tools on the transport possibilities and propose concrete initiatives encouraging sustainable mobility. The R’Pro’Covoiturage by Boogi car-pooling service is one such initiative. Free of charge and accessible from smartphone and website, the platform is dedicated to commuter journeys for employees of the Paris–Charles-de-Gaulle and Orly platforms. It calculates door-to-door journeys, proposes planned or immediate car sharing, and encourages intermodal transport by combining car-pooling and public transport.
« Long-term societal commitments are a powerful force at Hub One. At the start of the year, the EthiFinance consultancy awarded us a score of 70/100 for our CSR performance. We innovate daily with our employees in mind, to offer them ecological solutions for simplifying their lives in the workplace while reducing their carbon footprint. Our membership of R’Pro’Mobilité ties in with our CSR strategy, and we are delighted to be able to offer new, environmentally-friendly travel alternatives, » explains Olivia Guiomar, Internal communication and CSR Manager at Hub One.
The R’Pro’Covoiturage by Boogi app will be available for employees from September 2017. It will first of all target the employees of the companies that are R’Pro’Mobilité members, before being quickly opened up to all the companies on the airport platform who wish to use it.

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