After smartphones and the smart city, there is now a new « smart » : the smart building
The Smart Building concept is defined by the implementation of enhanced connectivity throughout the building, and the deployment of sensors with the purpose of optimising the use of resources and networks. This ensures enhanced comfort for both the building’s occupants and its visitors. From the drafting of the building plans through the choice of materials, spatial organisation and integration of home automation, Smart Buildings are designed and constructed with a view toward optimising energy consumption. The building sector is said to represent 44% of primary energy consumption and generate 20% of greenhouse gas emissions.
The connectivity of a Smart Building offers its occupants seamless, fluid and high-speed communication services both for voice and for Internet usage. To this end, Wi-Fi and DAS networks can be deployed to meet all user needs, including in zones that are difficult to cover, such as car parks and basements.
Access to these sites could be made ultra-secure, featuring the latest innovations based on facial and fingerprint recognition. Lastly, the Internet of Things will make it possible to transmit information in real time about the objects, equipment and people present on the site. These data can be used for optimising workflows and triggering operational action plans, or for improving customer satisfaction in these buildings.
« Smart » has changed the way we relate to objects, and is having a transformative effect on our lifestyles. This concept is a feature of a society in the throes of a digital revolution. At a time when technological developments are shaping our daily lives, there can be no doubt that this concept will continue to expand into new applications and services.